Creepy History

2.1 - The Roanoke Colony part 1 and Lady Con Artists

Fraser and Jennifer Coffeen Season 2 Episode 1
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00:00:00 | 01:07:47

We are back for season 2! And yes, we missed you. To kick off our second season, Fraser presents part one of a two-parter looking at the lost Roanoke Colony, while Jennifer tells us the tale of three notorious female con artists, or, as Jen preferes, "lady con artists." All that, plus a Rattle-Skull to drink and to, well, rattle your skull. Join us! Follow us on social media: Twitter @CreepyHist and Instagram @CreepyHistPod.

Rattle-Skull Recipe
12 oz Porter
1.5 oz Dark Rum
3/4 oz Fresh Lime
1/2 oz Brown Sugar Syrup
Nutmeg to garnish
To prepare the syrup, combine 2 parts brown sugar and 3 parts water in a small pot. Bring to boiling and stir for 3 minutes. Reduce heat to low and let simmer until sugar is all dissolved. Remove from heat and cool.
To serve, add porter to a glass, pour in other ingredients and stir gently. Add nutmeg to the top.
Personal recommendation: skip the lime. If you want to go traditional, include it. But if you want an actually palatable drink, omit.

Fraser Coffeen (Twitter @FCoffeen)
Jennifer Coffeen (Twitter @JenCoffeen)
Music by Fraser and Charlie Coffeen (Instagram @CharliesKeys)