Creepy History

1.1 - Charlotte Corday and Waterloo Teeth

Fraser and Jennifer Coffeen Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to the first episode of Creepy History! Every week, we take a look at two creepy tales from history - the kind of stuff you always wished you studied in school, but never did. Today's episode takes us to France as Fraser presents the story of Charlotte Corday and the French Revolution, while Jen tells us all about Waterloo Teeth. Our creepy cocktail this week is the French Revolution, so check the recipe below and join in. Follow us on social media: Twitter @CreepyHist and Instagram @CreepyHistPod

French Revolution Recipe
2 oz Brandy
1/2 oz Framboise Raspberry Liqueur
3 oz champagne
Pour brandy and liqueur into a mixer with ice and mix well. Strain into a champagne flute and top with champagne.