Creepy History
These are the creepy and weird stories that make history great, the ones you wish they taught you in school. Unexplained phenomenon, real life zombies, bank robbers dressed like Santa, haunted dolls, spontaneous human combustion... it's all here. Every week we tell two stories, plus share a creepy cocktail. Join us and dive into the weird and creepy stories you love to hear! New episodes every Thursday. Hosted by Fraser & Jennifer Coffeen. Twitter: @CreepyHist Instagram: @CreepyHistPod
Podcasting since 2020 • 31 episodes
Creepy History
Latest Episodes
3.7 - The Brides in the Bath and the Rosenhan Experiment
Today's creepy tales start off with Jen's account of George Joseph Smith, and his rather ominously named "brides in the bath". Don't listen to this one before your bath! Then Fraser takes us inside a 1970's social experiment titled The Rosenhan...
Season 3
Episode 7

3.6 - The Sleeping Sickness and Whatever Happened to Lord Lucan
Get cozy from some disturbing tales for the fall season. Starting us off is Fraser's story of the sleeping sickness that swept through Europe. Then Jen has a classic tale of mysterious murder titled Whatever Happened to Lord Lucan? For ou...
Season 3
Episode 6

3.5 - The Bennington Triangle & Michael Taylor
This episode, Jen starts off with the mysterious and unsolved disappearances surrounding the Bennington Triangle. Yes, Bennington Triangle. Then Fraser dips into the world of demons and exorcisms with the Michael Taylor murder. For our co...
Season 3
Episode 5

3.4 - Carl Tanzler's Corpse Bride and The Witchfinder General
It's the third annual Creepy History Halloween episode! Get in the spirit of the season with Jen's truly disturbing tale of Carl Tanzler and his corpse bride, followed by Fraser taking us back to the days of witch-mania with Matthew Hopkins, Th...
Season 3
Episode 4

3.3 - The King of Quacks and Ravenser Odd
Halloween draws ever nearer, so what better time to curl up with a little Creepy History? Jen starts off with the mysterious tale of The King of Quacks, before Fraser takes us to the forgotten land of Ravenser Odd. Our cocktail this week is the...
Season 3
Episode 3